pArOdY NFT: to produce a humorously exaggerated imitation

We are the first NFT membership trading card company to allow users to collect via their digital wallets, a weekly random mix of electronic card packs. Members get to Collect, Sell, Trade or Auction their cards with other members. Collect Sell, Trade or Auction your best Combinations. Have fun, make money!

  • 1.3m

  • 1m

  • 5

€ 1.99 Membership
Membership includes:
Initial Purchase: 25 auto-random generated Trading Cards
Additional Weekly: Includes 10 auto-random generated Cards
Anytime: 10 free transfer credits with each membership
10 free Trading Cards per membership referral

How It Works

Register using your ‘myxpay blockchain account’ and pay an Annual €1.99 membership.

Once your membership is active, you will receive your first electronic trading pack of 25 trading cards. Every week thereafter, you will receive a code on the Secure Hola phone chat App. Using this code, you will get to unlock your additional trading cards. Yes, the code will allow for an additional 52 weeks of cards. That’s 10 trading cards in a digital pack: 520 additional cards for a total of 545 Cards!

That is 545 Cards to Collect, Sell, Trade or Auction directly to other members and receive XPR points. Learn more about converting XPR to your xPAY account and cash out!

  • Set Up Your Pay Wallet

    Just Register, Follow the simple onboard instructions, pay and open your first Trade pack

  • Invite Others

    Refers other and get rewarded with extra 10 pack of trading Cards.

  • Build Your Collection

    With four trade book types, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Your trade options are endless.

  • Buy, Sell, Auction, Trade

    Start earning by selling your extra cards or hold out and sell your entire collection.

All PTC’s trading cards have set quantities and original values based on a detailed market algorithm. PTC cards are formatted as follows: There are (4) four Graded player level trading Cards. 1. Bronze - the lowest grade, highest quantity; 2. Silver - middle grade, second highest quantity, 3. Gold - second highest grade, limited quantity; 4. Black - highest grade and least quantity card type.

Once you have opened your electronic trading packs, all your cards will appear in your blockchain wallet and can be accessed at or on your myxpay digital wallet. For trading purposes and easy organization, PTC company offers electronic books on its site to make trading super fun, and profitable.

We have made easy to use. You can sort your collectables from your tradable(s), thereby keeping your valued assets in your digital wallet, leaving you only the extras for easy trading or selling.

Now, you get to do what you do best: Collect, Trade, Sell, Auction and have lots of fun.

Value Guarantee

As an NFT trading card company, we can Guarantee you: all NFT’s are Assets on the myxpay IPFS blockchain; and, all card values can be redeemed for market demand via trade, sale or auction. Moreover, we want you to know where all your cards are located because all your cards are REAL assets. Just so you know, we use a private API that ‘uploads’ all user NFT card assets to the IPFS blockchain at myxpay blockchain. Understand, and we say this with

Full Disclosure: If at anytime Parody Trading Cards, LLC cease as an organization and trading site, this will in no way disrupt a myxpay account holder’s ability to continue to access, trade, sell, or auction their assets on the myxpay site. This is our guarantee to you! Oh, we can also guarantee you a really fun time - these cards are Cool!

All PTC cards have an initial Euro Value, based on an algorithm generated by player rating / market interest and other factors.

Unlike some NFT’s, all PTC cards have Real blockchain IPFS asset identifications and cannot be copied, substituted or subdivided. This means, when you are in possession of these assets they are really yours!

All NFT’s sold through have ‘internal’ meta data, including IPFS location with the original txhash of origination, transfers and current ownership, and can be authenticated through a myxpay blockchain txhash data history explorer search.

All NFT’s can be traded, auctioned or simply sold as a REAL asset.


€2.99 annual
Includes 25 auto-random initial cards pack upon registration and 10 auto-random cards pack for 52 weeks.


€3.79 annual
Includes 50 auto-random initial cards pack upon registration and 20 auto-random cards pack for 52 weeks.


€5.59 annual
Includes 75 auto-random initial cards pack upon registration and 30 auto-random cards pack for 52 weeks.


€6.39 annual
Includes 100 auto-random initial cards pack upon registration and 40 auto-random cards pack for 52 weeks.



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9.66 XPR
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9.66 XPR
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9.66 XPR
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9.66 XPR
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9.66 XPR
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9.66 XPR

myxpay Blockchain

The myxpay digital blockchain wallet offers great flexibility, and can handle banking transactions, payroll, debit and credits, XPR; but also can manage NFT assets / ownerships, and affiliated / third-party company commissions payments. Created as an all-in-one location for finance management, myxpay is a safe and easy to use tool for personal and business management.